Happy 110th Birthday to Douglas Walton! It’s been almost a year since I’ve made an entry for this blog. I’ve been distracted by other things and fandoms, but I promise that I haven’t forgotten about Douglas Walton. But because I have my hands tied to other focuses, future entries will be written...poorly. They would probably be reduced to analyses with little to no summaries (videos would showcase Douglas’ roles anyway). But if his role
in a film is big, I’ll put more effort into it perhaps.
I would say my research for the life of Douglas Walton is finished. All I have to do is talk about the movies he’s in.
And yes, October 17, 1909 was his actual birthday as oppose to October 16, 1910. I’ve compared a whole bunch of documents on Ancestry.com to confirm that October 17, 1909 was indeed his birthdate.